
Tired of doing big-time math to get big-time gains? Try the macronutrient model made specifically for building muscle and burning fat!
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Nov 22, 2013
Come fall, a cold bowl of mushy cereal won't cut it. Trade in your boxed breakfast for a bowl of protein-packed oats—and a kick of cinnamon—hot off the stove.
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Nov 22, 2013
Reap the benefits of protein-packed health food without the premium price with these four quick, delicious, muscle-making recipes!
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Nov 22, 2013
Meat is packed with protein, but a cut of lean beef or a can of tuna offers more than just macronutrients. They're like muscle-building multivitamins!
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Nov 22, 2013
Training hard and drinking harder don't go hand-in-hand. Still, no matter how much you love to lift, you probably like a good cocktail. Learn to order smart and skip drinks with nothing but sugar!
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Nov 22, 2013
You may think that an aphrodisiac is in the eye of the beholder, but modern science has identified a few foods with bedroom bona fides. Read on and reap the rewards!
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Oct 20, 2013
What you get out of your body in the bedroom begins with what you put into it in the kitchen.
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Oct 20, 2013
Nutrition is a key aspect in your transformation. These delicious lean recipes make it easy to stick to the plan!
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Oct 20, 2013
As promised, I have 8 recipes that include ingredients from my Top 10 list of metabolism boosting foods. The main ingredients in these dishes are great for your metabolism. Fire it up now with these great recipes!
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Posted by vodka08
1 Repost Oct 19, 2013
The following 10 foods could act similar to the way a thermogenic or a cardio session in how they affect the body. These foods can ramp up your metabolism, and in essence, can assist you in burning fat... Learn more.
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Oct 19, 2013
Say you're stranded on a deserted island and can only choose two animals to live with you. Provided you want to be ripped when the rescuers arrive, you couldn't do much better than a cow and a chicken. Here's why.
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Oct 19, 2013
Dumbbells and barbells will only get you so far in your quest for a gorilla chest. You need a solid nutrition profile to build powerful pecs. Here's how!
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Oct 14, 2013
Cooking on the barbecue is one of the best ways to prepare meat, but it's also a great way to cook your breakfast! Don't believe me? Try these 5 recipes and your mornings will never be the same.
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Oct 14, 2013
Proper nutrition is the key to a fit physique. Fuel your power workouts with these easy, customizable recipes that prove you can stay on track without spending hours in the kitchen.
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Oct 14, 2013
Who says a great burger needs to have a hunk of medium-rare red meat on it? Spread out and try these 4 savory takes on the all-time grill favorite!
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Posted by vodka08
0 Reposts Oct 14, 2013