
BEETS! I only thought these came pickled in a can and it was something old people ate... but they are SO GOOD for you! This is my favorite way to prepare beets. Roasted with Mediterranean seasoning. They are also fun to prepare :)
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Posted by smmelend2
0 Reposts Sep 18, 2014
Sometimes I get tired of eating steamed veggies. This is a great way to add variety to my daily veggie intake! Super delicious. Only TWO ingredients.
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Posted by smmelend2
0 Reposts Sep 17, 2014
PUMPKIN SPICE!!! This time of year I crave the Pumpkin Spice in everything! This is a super yummy recipe for Pumpkin Spice Shakeology! LOVE IT
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Posted by smmelend2
0 Reposts Sep 16, 2014
These save my bacon when I want a sweet treat!
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Posted by smmelend2
2 Reposts Sep 15, 2014
Click here for recipe:
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Posted by smmelend2
0 Reposts May 22, 2014
THIS makes meal planning SO EASY for me! Helloooo progress!
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Posted by smmelend2
0 Reposts Mar 17, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by smmelend2
0 Reposts Sep 03, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by smmelend2
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2013