
Fuel for my run/hike today- vans Gfree waffles with a slather of honey and peanut butter. I sautéed a Granny Smith apple in coconut oil and cinnamon. Simple and filling!
Vegan tacos! This is my treat for the week-mushrooms Zuchinni onions salsa and daiya cheese. Simple and good!
Thank you Ryan Gosselin. Thank you. I will make us a salad.
lunch bowl: beyond meat feisty crumbles mixed with sautéed spinach garlic onions and brown rice with carrots...this is my new favorite!
This is my quinoa snack: 1 c quinoa, tomatoes, cucumbers, a few raisins and splash with balsamic vinegar...delish!
Comment Repost
Posted by piscesgirl3121
0 Reposts May 11, 2015
Protein energy balls: 1c raw oatmeal, 1c dried cranberries, 1/2 c dk choc chips, 1/2 c flax seed, 1/3 c honey, 1/2 c honey, 1/2 c PB, 1 tsp vanilla. Mix dry ingre. Add wet forms balls chill in fridge 20mins!
Where's the beef??? I got your beef right here! These are my favorites since going vegan, they have no GMO's a lot of protein taste good and make me feel good! I hope you love what you eat too and I'd recommend these meatless wonders to you:)
For my newbie vegan and dairy free friends!
Comment Repost
Posted by piscesgirl3121
0 Reposts Mar 05, 2015
Super simple, no math or complicated theories here!
As a vegan (no meat dairy or fish for me) everybody asks me how I get my's your answer! So stop bothering me ;))) hehe!
While my craving for sugar is not completely gone, it no longer gets the best of me. This is what I teach for nowadays when I feel like I need something sweet!
Comment Repost
Posted by piscesgirl3121
0 Reposts Feb 16, 2015
If you go to whole foods in the morning they have bfast options, I had tofu scramble with kale asparagus and roasted potatoes! It was good after my run!
Finally! Another option for vegans and non dairy peeps! Yay! This is actually less than the SO brand creamer about $2 less...and it tastes good. It still has that nutty tastes but it's slightly sweet!
What the hell is that you ask? Uh well to be honest it's a total mish mash it's like a weird chili and I needed a higher protein punch during GVT. So here it is: 1 can chick peas 1 cup of quinoa 3 diced sweet potatoes peas tomatoes sauce and paste;)
Comment Repost
Posted by piscesgirl3121
0 Reposts Feb 10, 2015
Oh my...well yes, I do love them...
Set for GVT with Gethin this week: sweet potatoes, red potatoes, zucchini, peas, lentils, brown rice and carrots, broccoli tofu and carrots, Helens kitchen"Italian sausage, beyond meat feisty crumble! It's a simple menu and so good!
Treat meal! My 3 favorite things PB, honey and waffles! Simple and good! I look forward to the weekend and believe me I'm about to pay it back in sweat with some rejuvenating cardio on the beach!
cauliflower is an excellent source of Vit C but let's be honest, who likes cauliflower? Boil a bag of it frozen drain water add a little olive oil garlic salt and green onion then blend! There's your Vit C! Boom! Yes that's the sound it makes.
I deserve this dang it! 1 cup almond milk, handful of raisins, sliced frozen bananas 1-2, spoonful of PB, protein scoop, ice, spoonful of unsweetened cocoa powder.
Protein snack for the trainers @ my gym who are working today! 1 can chickpeas drain and dry roast @ 400 for 20-25 mins with 1 tbs EVOO, paprika, salt and garlic powder. I like mine crispy:))
Bananas foster French toast remix- you can have a no guilt treat meal! This is 2 slices of GF bread toasted, 2 bananas sautéed in coconut oil, add coconut milk simmer till it thickens spread a little PB and top with the banana sauce!
Thanks to Chady Dunmoore for this recipe: 1/3 c of SF applesauce, 1tsp vanilla and cinnamon, 2c oats, 1/2 c raisins, I scoop protein, flax, 1/3c almond milk, 3 ripe bananas! these are sweet and delicious! Bake @350 for 20 minutes enjoy!
Pumpkin custard for ANOTHER potluck! So this is relatively healthy for a dessert: I can pumpkin, coconut sugar, coconut creme or milk, vanilla, pumpkin spice, punch of salt and cornstarch!
Holiday potluck with my girls, I'm bringing zucchini soup!