
MEN!!! Cooking is not just a "chick thing"! I know some of you cook but there are still some that do not. Don't believe me?! Ask any lady (over 21) *IT'S....SEXY!* Do. it! Thank me later. P.S. Practice and taste yourself first please ;-)
It is possible to prep on a budget. I do it! You can too!
OMG!!!!! PROTIEN BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!! This is perfect! I was afraid my birthday was going to be less than satisfying. NOT WITH BODYBUILDING.COM!!! Thanks for looking out!
Comment Repost
Posted by ncoleman1990
0 Reposts Apr 10, 2014
*helpful* When you're traveling, dietary discipline can be as easy to lose as your luggage.
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Posted by ncoleman1990
0 Reposts Sep 18, 2013
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Posted by ncoleman1990
0 Reposts Aug 15, 2013
I love a man who can appreciate flowers ;-)
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Posted by ncoleman1990
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
My kitchen sunday night
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Posted by ncoleman1990
0 Reposts Mar 22, 2013
So freakin true!!!!!!!!!
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Posted by ncoleman1990
1 Repost Mar 22, 2013