
Comment Repost
Posted by mcreynolds2
19 Reposts Jul 08, 2014
Your metabolism never takes a break, even while you sleep. Give it the energy it craves with easy-to-make snacks that fuel muscle growth without flipping on the fat switch.
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Posted by mcreynolds2
0 Reposts Oct 22, 2013
Best Food List
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Posted by mcreynolds2
1 Repost Sep 28, 2013
Oh my...
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Posted by mcreynolds2
0 Reposts Sep 26, 2013
Great reminder about staying on track with food prepping and watching what I eat!
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Posted by mcreynolds2
0 Reposts Sep 16, 2013 is a free online resource for those who want to live a healthy lifestyle. At no cost whatsoever, you can use Calorie Count to look up nutrition facts and view complete food labels for more than 250,000 foods.
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Posted by mcreynolds2
0 Reposts Sep 07, 2013