
Comment Repost
Posted by m_raybo
0 Reposts Oct 27, 2018
My friends, this compound is making it's way into almost all of our food! In addition to what is listed! It prevents your body from absorbing minerals which makes you feel more hungry more often!! It causes inflammation (It makes you fat!) Google it
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Posted by m_raybo
0 Reposts Dec 31, 2016
No dairy, no sweetener Y'all!
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Posted by m_raybo
0 Reposts Oct 14, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by m_raybo
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2015
Mmmm coffee...
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Posted by m_raybo
0 Reposts May 29, 2015
My new favorite lazy mans meal. $3.30 a can,can't go wrong...
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Posted by m_raybo
0 Reposts Feb 07, 2015
My favorite breakfast drink. I eat 1 hard boiled egg with it... 55 grams of all natural protein!
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Posted by m_raybo
0 Reposts Nov 21, 2013