
Tonight's dinner...a little pulled-pork tenderloin from my slow cooker....
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Posted by krisloock
0 Reposts Nov 14, 2013
Holy crap! Lol...
Today's Lunch! Pita pizza with tomato, fresh basil, turkey pepperoni, and light mozzarella/cheddar with a side of Kale Chips - Would you believe only 210 calories?
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Posted by krisloock
0 Reposts Sep 11, 2013
Chicken Fried Rice - yay high carb day!
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Posted by krisloock
0 Reposts Sep 06, 2013
Too funny!
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Posted by krisloock
4 Reposts Jul 08, 2013
Dinner! Yum yum! :-)
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Posted by krisloock
0 Reposts Jul 07, 2013
Funny..I've been all 3 already this week!
For all us cutting folks! LMAO!
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Posted by krisloock
0 Reposts May 29, 2013
Hulk gonna need this shirt on low carbs! Lol!
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Posted by krisloock
0 Reposts May 25, 2013
OMG..I laughed so hard!
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Posted by krisloock
8 Reposts May 16, 2013