
Comment Repost
Posted by go4dagusto
1 Repost Nov 18, 2014
True. And you'd probably just stick to the slide, so what's the point?
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Jun 17, 2014
Cool Hand Luke knew how to bulk....
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Apr 28, 2014
That hug is still gonna be dirty. And, for what you get, will be the most overpriced thing on the menu. Just like a McDonald's salad. But with hugs. Better off just staying at home and making your own salad. Home is also where they make the best hugs
Mmmm.... Sriracha makes everything better.
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Apr 15, 2014
True. A blessing and a curse...
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Posted by go4dagusto
1 Repost Mar 10, 2014
I wish it was all lifting, but true this.
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Mar 01, 2014
I should just get this tattooed on my forehead.
Must be Beast Man's high carb day, too.
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Feb 17, 2014
You testing me, bro?! I'm not cheating on my diet! Nice try, Skeletor!
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Feb 14, 2014
High carb day!!! Hey He-Man, pass me one of those. And back off, Battle Cat! You're eatin' MY gains!
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Feb 09, 2014