
So very true..
Comment Repost
Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jul 02, 2013
One of the best quick breakfasts you can prepare is a bowl of oatmeal, especially if you are active and health conscious. Learn how to make it taste better!
Comment Repost
Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jul 02, 2013
Yes, six-pack abs and barbecues slabs can coexist. Keep your body ready to head to the beach with these flavorful, healthy alternatives to potato chips and baked beans. Bring one to the next party!
Comment Repost
Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jul 02, 2013
Who doesn't love the taste of a tender steak fresh off the grill? A great-tasting steak begins with a good cut of meat. Use this guide to get the meaty details you need!
Comment Repost
Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jul 02, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by chaka2407
1 Repost Jun 20, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
I have a passion for weightlifting, nutrition, and great-tasting food. My specialty is cooking with protein powder. Ask me a question and I'll turn it into a delicious, protein-filled recipe!
Comment Repost
Posted by chaka2407
0 Reposts Jun 11, 2013