
Comment Repost
Posted by badjeffro
0 Reposts Sep 10, 2014
Truth - you want to eat EVERYTHING in sight, but it's a process to change our way of thinking about what 'good fuel' truly is.
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Posted by badjeffro
1 Repost Jan 28, 2014
Sometimes I just want to...
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Posted by badjeffro
0 Reposts Dec 23, 2013
Paleo in a nut shell.
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Posted by badjeffro
0 Reposts Dec 23, 2013
Quick Paleo Tips...
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Posted by badjeffro
0 Reposts Dec 23, 2013
These look delicious!!! All your hard work in the gym is wasted without support from good nutrition. Here are four recipes you need to bolster your muscle-building goals!
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Posted by badjeffro
0 Reposts Dec 20, 2013
This is the secret. These foods have worked for me. I get the whole IIFYM but if you really want to stay disciplined and not get off track stick w these foods
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Posted by badjeffro
15 Reposts Dec 14, 2013