
As a parent with three beautiful children, and any othe parent would know this is from the Despicable Me series and has probably watched it over 100 times as well baahaahahah... made me LOL so hard... enjoy!
Just started prep - 20 weeks out - thought this would be rather appropriate - "bye bye social life" (not like we had much of one anyway but little we had 'sob') LOL
A friendly reminder to all the peeps our there transofmring their lives... the first step...
To eat like this and look like that?? Utopia!!!!
Ottawa's very own 'Spuds Potatoe Bar' with the greatest poutine ever... guess my cheat meal turned into a full 24hr cheat day - especially after 'crushing' a medium Double Chessburger Poutine with extra beef... I'll probs never eat poutine again! LOL
"Krispy Creme doughnut burgers will be available at this years Canadian National Exhibition" Welcome to Canada eh??!!? LOL
Comment Repost
Posted by aaronwiszniak42
0 Reposts Aug 29, 2014
Have a great weekend everyone and stay strong with your nutrition... ;)
Another great and insightful nutritional tip from Team Labrada
Comment Repost
Posted by aaronwiszniak42
1 Repost Aug 19, 2014
Another very practical and insightful tip from Team Labrada...
Comment Repost
Posted by aaronwiszniak42
0 Reposts Aug 19, 2014
yeah dudes and dudettes... check out this diet for 120 days + + The Rock simply R O C K S... and this is why he looks so friggin amazing!!! It's a lifestyle and boy oh boy looks where its got him!! Not sure about the Lion's blood but whatever LOL
A Re-Post thank you 1MIMI1
Comment Repost
Posted by aaronwiszniak42
1 Repost Jul 31, 2014
My stomach just turns looking at the 'befores' I actually used to eat like that... desire equals education equals healthier lifestyle!!
Rather fitting since all of my current nutrition research... tis a site to behold though isn't it?? LOL P.S. My younger bro is a hardcore gamer and sadly the 'Before' pic is his beer fridge in his room... LMAO
Comment Repost
Posted by aaronwiszniak42
0 Reposts Mar 26, 2014
*wipes tears from eyes* the kids we're in dire need of a place to burn off their excess energy - the Big M play land was right across from the Dodge dealership *hides head in shame* I went there HUNGRY enough said!!!! The kids we're happy!!! LMFAO
Has ANYONE ever tried one of these before? A Krispy Kreme Bacon Cheesburger!! How does one truly feel after devouring one?? I look at these and drool for my Tilapia and I don't even like fish!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!
My colleagues think I am crazy "is that a fishing tackle box" LOL... what an incredible meal/food carrier for all those calorie counters out there... (which should be all you transforming contestants) Thank you '6-Pack' and GOOD LUCK everyone!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by aaronwiszniak42
0 Reposts Jan 14, 2014