
The superman logo is my daily message to myself that I can accomplish anything. I have a bigger more elaborate superman Tatoo on my back as well !
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Posted by TimothyRoach
0 Reposts Dec 06, 2016
Worked back and lats today. I put a lot of emphasis on my back and lats. Off season I try not to add to much weight so I always know where I'm at . My best asset is not size but body semitry and definition which helps spectate me from the big guys
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Posted by TimothyRoach
0 Reposts Dec 06, 2016
When I prepare for my body building competitions I pose after every workout to work out flaws judges may see. I even video the whole routine to improve in my transition from pose to pose. i also focus on showing multiple body parts.
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Posted by TimothyRoach
0 Reposts Nov 28, 2016
The key to my success is my vision of what I aspire to look like. To stay ahead of the game I think big and always have goals. Next up for me is to compete in the muscle beach show in Venice va in May. Best of health to everyone