
Food diary main meal of the day chicken brocoli sweet potato garden salad rose water.
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Posted by NaturalReilly
0 Reposts Oct 06, 2013
No need for supplements real green tea!! Monday morning i won't be jogging ill be running.
Food Diary main meal of 2day Homemade Bolognese (not a sauce out of a jar)spinach kale broccoli sweet potato loads of greens tonight after yesterday's fail =]
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Posted by NaturalReilly
0 Reposts Sep 03, 2013
Food Diary Main meal of the day 2 Chicken legs turnip brown rice made with mixed veg no green leafy veg fail
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Posted by NaturalReilly
0 Reposts Sep 02, 2013
Food Diary Main meal of the day. 2 Chicken breasts broccoli spinach cayenne pepper rest days are gash but im consistently getting stronger ready for heavier dips/pullups/squats =]
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Posted by NaturalReilly
0 Reposts Aug 22, 2013
Food Diary.Main meal of the day chicken stirfry peppers spinach onions Chinese spices chilli (Homemade not a fail sauce out a jar)
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Posted by NaturalReilly
0 Reposts Aug 21, 2013
Food Diary Main meal of the day. Chicken breast/leg cabbage spinach cauliflower white sweet potato corn cayenne pepper
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Posted by NaturalReilly
0 Reposts Aug 19, 2013
Food Diary Main meal of the day. Salmon fillet broccoli spinach sweet potato all the fun stuff nom nom =]
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Posted by NaturalReilly
0 Reposts Aug 18, 2013
Food Diary Main meal of the day. Venison burgers x2 broccoli spinach sweet potato tomatoes.
Food Diary main meal of the day. 2chicken breasts broccoli sweet potato tomatoes spinach literally eat more spinach than popeye =]
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Posted by NaturalReilly
0 Reposts Aug 16, 2013
Food Diary main meal of the day. Turkey spinach broccoli turnip rest day so lower days are crap =[
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Posted by NaturalReilly
0 Reposts Aug 15, 2013
Food Diary main meal of the day. Salmon fillet spinach broccoli sweet potato green beans
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Posted by NaturalReilly
1 Repost Aug 14, 2013
Food diary main meal of the day. 4egg whites (scrambled) 1 chicken breast broccoli spinach tomatoes peppers mushrooms onions
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Posted by NaturalReilly
0 Reposts Aug 13, 2013
Food diary main meal of the day homemade stirfry steak peppers spinach bean sprouts onions mushrooms chilli lemongrass ginger rest day so lower carb
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Posted by NaturalReilly
0 Reposts Aug 12, 2013
Food diary main meal of the day Sirloin steak poached egg broccoli spinach sweet potato tomato onion
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Posted by NaturalReilly
1 Repost Aug 10, 2013