
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Sep 28, 2014
Who doesn't love mom's cookies? These healthier snickerdoodle, oatmeal raisin, and chocolate peanut butter cookie recipes turn traditional cheats into a protein-powered treats!
Who doesn't love the taste of a tender steak fresh off the grill? A great-tasting steak begins with a good cut of meat. Use this guide to get the meaty details you need!
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Jun 21, 2013
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
Funny..I've been all 3 already this week!
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Jun 03, 2013
Need some fat-loss guidance? These three fitness pros reveal what they do to stay lean. Their moderator? None other than our own Ripped Dude.
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Feb 26, 2013
You could clog your kitchen with fancy gadgets you only use once each year, or you could think outside the box and save time, money, and space. We can guarantee you'll learn something useful!
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Feb 20, 2013
Don’t let fitness fall victim to a demanding job. Learn six ways to make your workplace healthier!
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Feb 20, 2013
You may think that an aphrodisiac is in the eye of the beholder, but modern science has identified a few foods with bedroom bona fides. Read on and reap the rewards!
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Feb 14, 2013
Need some fat-loss guidance? These three fitness pros reveal what they do to stay lean. Their moderator? None other than our very own Ripped Dude.
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Feb 09, 2013
Healthy bulking isn’t as simple as eating everything in sight. If that’s your 'plan,' put down the spray cheese and read this before your next meal.
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Feb 09, 2013
You are what you eat, so you better eat big to get big. Learn how with this complete guide to muscle-building nutrition.
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Feb 09, 2013
Before you commit your time and money to a competition-grade diet, you need to understand some important nutritional basics. Here are five questions you need to be able to answer!
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Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Feb 09, 2013
Without the help of insulin, all that protein in your post-workout shake would never get delivered. Learn how to control and manipulate this crucial hormone!
Comment Repost
Posted by Mistasykes78
0 Reposts Feb 09, 2013