
If you spend your day at Mach-5, cooking may not be an option. That’s OK! These super yummy protein shakes can replace any meal!
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Posted by Fsettles76
0 Reposts May 10, 2013
Low Calorie Juice Recipes - 9 Healthy Juice Recipes for Weight Loss
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Posted by Fsettles76
0 Reposts May 10, 2013
I have a passion for weightlifting, nutrition, and great-tasting food. My specialty is cooking with protein powder. Ask me a question and I'll turn it into a delicious, protein-filled recipe!
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Posted by Fsettles76
0 Reposts Apr 04, 2013
Everyone loves pizza! But not everyone loves what it does to their waistline. These healthy, protein-packed recipes allow you to have your pizza and eat it too!
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Posted by Fsettles76
1 Repost Apr 04, 2013