
Debating trying out carb cycling this summer. This counts, right?! ;P #LowCarb #GF #BaconIsLife
Comment Repost
Posted by BlkSH33P3
0 Reposts May 06, 2017
Mm mm! Used to hit up Taco Tuesdays on the weekly back in the day! Man, do I miss those days...I think? Ha. Definitely took the hit even with daily workouts...(well, between that and the daily split bottle of wine with the roomie!) #TacoTuesDAZE
Comment Repost
Posted by BlkSH33P3
0 Reposts Mar 15, 2017
The struggle is REAL, y'all! Choices, choices, choices. What is TRULY sweeter? Honey buns of steel OR sugary cinnamon buns?! ;P #Decisions #Sweetness #Wordplay
Mm, forever weakness for that tasty bacon meat. And wordplay. Eggs are always a plus, too. Hey, protein ain't that bad...right? ;P