
Comment Repost
Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts May 23, 2014
Rev up your fit recipe repertoire with these quick and easy protein meals from the athletes of CytoSport. Each recipe is simple, delicious, and packs a protein wallop!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Nov 05, 2013
You know that growing muscles require lots of protein, but they need even more water. Don't wait for dehydration to impact your performance. Fill up on the most anabolic agent there is!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Oct 28, 2013
Summer's gone and fall's here, but that's no excuse to fall behind on your diet. Try these healthy seasonal foods.
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Oct 23, 2013
'Tis the season to eat game day goodies and watch pro players toss the pigskin. Whether your team wins big or loses hard, you can score a touchdown with this stellar game day spread!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Oct 09, 2013
When you're a busy student on a tight budget, eating right can seem like an impossible task. Get through the school year and into a stronger, healthier, and better-looking body!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Oct 09, 2013
Tired of drinking the same boring, bland tasting proteins shakes? Try these superb shakes and mix things up with fresh ingredients and a variety of supplements.
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Oct 08, 2013
Intermittent fasting is not just a choice to be miserable; on the contrary, many people find they feel and train better than ever! Here's your intro to the major approaches, and a way to test if it's right for you.
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Sep 01, 2013
Make no mistake about it, our bodies are built in the kitchen and sculpted in the gym. Give your body the nutrition it needs to build muscle and perform at its best. These recipes will provide the taste and macros you're looking for!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Jun 02, 2013
The Paleo principles are simple: if you can grow it or kill it, eat it. If it’s been processed, don’t. Here are six meals for one full day of Paleo perfection!
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Posted by Andhy88
2 Reposts May 21, 2013
I have a passion for weightlifting, nutrition, and great-tasting food. My specialty is cooking with protein powder. Ask me a question and I'll turn it into a delicious, protein-filled recipe!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Apr 23, 2013
The authors of Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha have the master plan for a better, faster, stronger, manlier you, starting with the fuel you put in your engine.
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Apr 18, 2013
Build spring muscle and fire up your summer fat-loss with these five delicious, nutritious grill recipes!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Apr 16, 2013
Fat loss is a long, slow journey. It's made even slower by dieting errors. Don't fall into the same traps that I did! Read my mistakes, learn from them, and your fitness goal will be a reality much sooner.
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Apr 11, 2013
Metabolic damage runs rampant in the sport of bodybuilding. Learn how to avoid it and preserve your health while looking your best onstage!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Mar 30, 2013
In lean times, it’s even more important to make the most of the food you buy. Luckily, top chefs like Marc Murphy have been doing this for years. Use his tips to stretch your supplies—without a hit to the flavor.
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Mar 05, 2013
Your body doesn’t just burn calories during exercise. It does it during digestion, too. If you’ve ever wondered how that factors into calorie-counting, here’s your answer!
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Posted by Andhy88
0 Reposts Feb 28, 2013