
Every day's a new day and an opportunity to be a better you than you were yesterday.
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Posted by WeaponL
1 Repost May 08, 2014
We are our own sculptor. Find your "why?".. Find the reason why you do what you do. Cause once you find that "why?", you'll be able to push yourself no matter how tired, lazy, or ill you are. Don't let nothing stop you from reaching your goal.
Comment Repost
Posted by WeaponL
2 Reposts May 01, 2014
Life is hard. Nothing easy about it. Everyday we're faced with our own obstacles and challenges.At the end of the day, no one cares more about you than yourself. Remind yourself of your goals and continue to reach for them.
Comment Repost
Posted by WeaponL
0 Reposts Mar 05, 2014
“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” -Vince Lombardi. Don't give up because you're not where you want to be. Success is a work in progress. Be consisten
Comment Repost
Posted by WeaponL
1 Repost Jan 31, 2014