
Gotta persevere ladies and gentlemen - leave nothing behind in 2014!
Powering through this flu.. can't wait to get back in the gym.
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Posted by whoisoda
0 Reposts Dec 27, 2014
Ironically (coincidentally?), today was a rest day. Fidgeting to get back in the gym tomorrow (also coincidentally, it's back day)! ...this caption was a mess :P.
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Posted by whoisoda
1 Repost Dec 24, 2014
Saw this earlier today. And perfect timing too - off to get my gains.
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Posted by whoisoda
0 Reposts Dec 20, 2014
Don't be a "New Year's Resolutioner" fitfam! Change happens when you take action.
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Posted by whoisoda
0 Reposts Dec 17, 2014
One of my favorite role models - insane proportional strength and incredibly lean aesthetics.
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Posted by whoisoda
0 Reposts Dec 16, 2014
Go and grab those gains this weekend BodySpace.
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Posted by whoisoda
2 Reposts Dec 13, 2014
An awesome quote - it's all about that growth fit fam!
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Posted by whoisoda
1 Repost Dec 12, 2014
Wish I were at home right day problems. Until tomorrow (back and biceps)!
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Posted by whoisoda
3 Reposts Dec 10, 2014
Something that becomes clearer with every rep, every chicken breast, and every protein shake. Good night BodySpace!
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Posted by whoisoda
0 Reposts Dec 07, 2014
Sometimes a few words of encouragement is all it takes to push you through until the weekend - big plans for this weekend!
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Posted by whoisoda
0 Reposts Dec 05, 2014
Don't think I'll ever go to rehab for this one fitfam - something tells me I'm not the only one.
HAH Yes! Christmas is still a ways away but I know this will be happening. I know I'm not the only one :)
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Posted by whoisoda
1 Repost Nov 30, 2014
The irony here is that I'm posting this on my rest day... ah well. Arms and legs this weekend!
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Posted by whoisoda
2 Reposts Nov 28, 2014
I'm hit WAY too hard with pre-workout right now. I normally don't take pre-workout on the weekdays, but I was excited about the long weekend and decided to go 1.5 scoops deep. That put me at 600mg, not counting the 2 cups of coffee earlier. Whoops!
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Posted by whoisoda
0 Reposts Nov 27, 2014
DOMS effect kicking in right now from yesterday's leg day. Gotta love that soreness.
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Posted by whoisoda
1 Repost Nov 25, 2014
I know I'm not the only one here who does this!
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Posted by whoisoda
0 Reposts Nov 22, 2014
So much truth. On a related note, a great gym partner can help you drive forward during rough days in a gym - you feed off each other's energy!
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Posted by whoisoda
0 Reposts Nov 21, 2014
One of the quotes that has resonated with me ever since my cross country days - an old fav.
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Posted by whoisoda
2 Reposts Dec 23, 2013
I've never heard this one before - lovin' the motivation!
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Posted by whoisoda
2 Reposts Dec 21, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by whoisoda
2 Reposts Dec 20, 2013
One of my favorite quotes - still resonates with me after 3.5 years of training.
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Posted by whoisoda
0 Reposts Dec 15, 2013