
Don't half-*** it...I need to always remember this!
Must always remember this
'Nuff said!
I love this! Don't sit back...take action!
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Posted by uckybutt23
10 Reposts Jul 31, 2013
I love it! Need to up my faith and confidence in myself and in general for sure! † † †
That's the plan. And then I'll do it again...
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Posted by uckybutt23
5 Reposts Jul 28, 2013
Focusing on furthering my body to my goal today! Nothing like blips in life to make me want success even more!
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Posted by uckybutt23
2 Reposts Jul 23, 2013
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Posted by uckybutt23
1 Repost Jul 22, 2013
Absolutely adore this quote from Steve Prefontaine...applicable to so many on here!
Seems simple enough...
Love DLB and FNF!
Never give up! Something that I need to remind myself of every now and then
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Posted by uckybutt23
4 Reposts Jul 08, 2013
You will get better...hopefully. :)
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Posted by uckybutt23
1 Repost Jul 01, 2013
I know there's someone out there that needs a middle finger in their face...never quit!
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Posted by uckybutt23
10 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
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Posted by uckybutt23
4 Reposts Jun 27, 2013
this can be said for many different situations...hehe..
Yes! Master your ***! Totally forgot about this episode until I saw this pic
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Posted by uckybutt23
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2013
Luckily, I have a few people to believe in me for me sometimes.
Must. Train. For. Gains.
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Posted by uckybutt23
0 Reposts Jun 08, 2013
Must. Train. For. Gains.
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Posted by uckybutt23
2 Reposts Jun 08, 2013