
5am gym for me...and that's after an hour long commute. If it's important to you then you'll find a way! I don't have a lot of time just like everyone else but I make it happen!
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Apr 15, 2014
5 am gym for me...and that's after an hour long commute. If it's important to you then you'll find a way! I don't have a lot of time just like everyone else but I make it happen!
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Apr 15, 2014
There will never b a point in life where its the right time 2 do a great thing. If u are waiting for that perfect moment, that perfect timing... its not going 2 happen. U know what u have 2 do? U have 2 create the perfect time & perfect opportunity
Your health is a blessing--take care of it :)
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Apr 09, 2014
Yep! Don't give up on your dreams, but understand there is more than 1 way to get there---it doesn't have to involve crazy food restrictions and hours of cardio. Be flexible and know there is a better way!
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Apr 08, 2014
WOW, This seriously speaks to me, and probably to many others as well! Important to remind yourself you are human and will not be perfect in your journey, but it will be worth it in the end. DO NOT GIVE UP! :)
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
1 Repost Mar 31, 2014
Even though I didnt make as much progress in the Challenge as I would've liked, I'm remembering that it is the future ahead that really matters. Don't beat yourself up over the last few weeks if they didn't turn out as expected--focus on what's ahead
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Mar 25, 2014
Happy Monday!
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Posted by tmhansen
3 Reposts Mar 24, 2014
Needed this now
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Posted by tmhansen
1 Repost Mar 20, 2014
Such a simple concept, really! But, yet still hard to grasp sometimes since we are human and "want" things to be easy or to have a different result while doing the same comfortable thing. Be willing to change if you want different results!
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Mar 18, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Mar 11, 2014
How I view everything--never do less than what you are capable of! Always give it your all!
That's why Bodyspace is so great-It's not always about you...its also about uplifting others!
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Feb 25, 2014
Exercise is small part of the equation. U can't out exercise a bad diet.Period.Everything u eat matters. There r daily things that make/break your goal regardless of how hard u worked out. U can't expect 2b successful from "kinda" doing something.
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
2 Reposts Feb 19, 2014
Patience is key! Quick results only happen from going to extremes--which may look ok for a short while but eventually will fail you. Slow and steady is what produces the best, and longest lasting results. Be patient and it will come.
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Feb 18, 2014
There will never be a point in your life where its the perfect time to do a great thing. If u are waiting for that perfect time, its not going to happen. What u have to do is create the perfect time, & the perfect. opportunity & the perfect situation
Happy Valentine's Day! May your day be filled with what you love <3
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Posted by tmhansen
3 Reposts Feb 14, 2014
Make it a strong week! Sometimes just starting the week on the right foot is all it takes for a great week. Happy Monday!
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
2 Reposts Feb 10, 2014
Greatness is a lot of small actions done after day, meal after meal, workout after workout, obedience after obedience, day after day
In fact this is the best part---who wants to be like everyone else? You may gets funny looks when you don't eat what everyone else is eating--but you will reap the rewards that they will not! It's ok to say "no" if it wont help you reach your goal.
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Feb 06, 2014
love this
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Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Feb 05, 2014
Have that "perfect" day! :)
Comment Repost
Posted by tmhansen
0 Reposts Feb 04, 2014
So very true! Make today count! We all get the same amount of seconds in a day--but we will all use them differently. How will you make today work for your goals?