
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Apr 05, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Mar 31, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Mar 31, 2016
Last fitboard post was a lead in to this one haha!
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
1 Repost Mar 31, 2016
This is one I struggle with because I am a perfectionist (clinically diagnosed haha). Still trying to lose the all or nothing mentality.
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Mar 31, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Mar 29, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Mar 28, 2016
My feelings about my crappy workout this morning. At least I got something done.
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Mar 09, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
1 Repost Mar 04, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Feb 29, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Feb 25, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Feb 02, 2016
This is me when it's time to do cardio.
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
1 Repost Feb 01, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Jan 15, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
1 Repost Dec 22, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Dec 17, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Oct 29, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Oct 21, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Oct 03, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Sep 29, 2015
Heading to Church soon but will be lifting some sh#t when I get home ;-)
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Sep 27, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Sep 23, 2015
I love this. So true!
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Sep 18, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by tkobabe
0 Reposts Sep 18, 2015