
Thought of the Week: Everytime I feel I've reached my max, I tell myself over and over again "one more rep..."
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Posted by tehtarikdrinker
0 Reposts Sep 29, 2014
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Posted by tehtarikdrinker
0 Reposts Mar 13, 2014
Week 5. I need to remember this more than ever.
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Posted by tehtarikdrinker
0 Reposts Oct 28, 2013
shut up and lift.
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Posted by tehtarikdrinker
0 Reposts Sep 24, 2013
my current mantra. every single day.
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Posted by tehtarikdrinker
1 Repost Sep 13, 2013
Told a female colleague the other day, forget about girls being skeleton thin. WE LOVE FULL FIGURED GIRLS WHO SQUATS! :D
General Idea of how I view Male body types. Target = Athletic!