
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts Jun 07, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts May 21, 2014
WORK, EAT, REST, REPEAT: The WORK that counts the most for your growth is the work that happens AFTER it begins to hurt! Your body will adapt to anything you do for extended periods of time, keep pushing PAST your limits! NO PAIN, NO GAIN(Z)!!
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts May 19, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts May 13, 2014
Every decision counts!! makes the best one's that lead you in the direction you want your life to head in!
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts May 07, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts May 02, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
1 Repost Apr 30, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
3 Reposts Apr 29, 2014
My stress relief!
LOVE this!
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts Apr 24, 2014
we don't become STRONGER by avoiding hard circumstances. we grow when we embrace the challenges thrown our way, when we push through and learn to overcome, that is when we truly become STRONGER. Whether in the gym, or anywhere else in life.
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts Apr 22, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
2 Reposts Apr 22, 2014
YES!!! Absolutely LOVE the feeling of leaving EVERYTHING in the gym!
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Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts Apr 20, 2014
Life to the FULL!
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
1 Repost Apr 18, 2014
I've always been an all in or all out kind of guy in every area of life. people sometimes think that means i am always pumped about what i am doing. this is false. i just give all my goals, all the energy and effort that i have regardless.
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts Apr 12, 2014
this mindset is my greatest strength in the gym.
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts Apr 08, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
2 Reposts Apr 04, 2014
Love this quote!! certainly there are limits to thinking like this, but 80% of the time, we are limited not by are actual capabilities, but our wrong assessments of our own limitations.
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Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts Mar 28, 2014
make every moment count!
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts Mar 26, 2014
love this!! so much truth in this statement! it is ok to dream and wish, but you have to then DO something if you are ever going to see your dreams and wishes come true! I COMMIT TO DOING THE WORK!!
hmmm.... you know, the cat makes a really good point... what if??!?!?!?!?!
put the past in its rightful place BEHIND you and focus on the next CHOICE you have, will you CHOOSE now to do what it takes, to be a BETTER you for tomorrow?
Comment Repost
Posted by teekos83
0 Reposts Mar 12, 2014