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Posted by tarageneva
0 Reposts Jul 15, 2013
Keep your head up :-) Life happens, but what will YOU do with what life throws at you?
If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. Thomas A. Edison
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Posted by tarageneva
0 Reposts Jul 03, 2013
Love this!
It's not about defined arms or abs, it's about DEFINING your LIFE -Shaun T I really love this quote :-)
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Posted by tarageneva
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2013
You only need your own belief in yourself. :-)
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Posted by tarageneva
0 Reposts Jun 03, 2013
Yes, Yes, Yes... YOU are!!!
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Posted by tarageneva
1 Repost Jun 03, 2013
Knowledge is not enough... create a plan and then follow through! Do you have planning tips to share? Share here :-)
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Posted by tarageneva
5 Reposts May 18, 2013
Get moving! :-)
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Posted by tarageneva
0 Reposts May 17, 2013
One day at a time :-) Success is the result of small efforts made each day.
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Posted by tarageneva
2 Reposts May 16, 2013
Stay consistent with those workouts and with healthy eating! Results WILL happen but you've got to DO THE WORK! Need support? Interested in a support group? Ask me! I run free groups on FB to help you achieve!
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Posted by tarageneva
1 Repost May 04, 2013
Get out there and make it happen!! I've got a fun website where you can find more tips and lots on nutrition! Join me!
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Posted by tarageneva
0 Reposts May 03, 2013
Need help overcoming your excuses?? Find me at I can help!
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Posted by tarageneva
1 Repost Apr 29, 2013
Let's do this thing together :-) Add me if you've got questions, need support/motivation :-)
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Posted by tarageneva
1 Repost Apr 28, 2013
Get off your *** and get out there and make it happen!! Want to see more motivation, tips, recipes & inspirational stories? Check out my page at
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Posted by tarageneva
0 Reposts Apr 21, 2013
Love this! I hope you do too :-)
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Posted by tarageneva
5 Reposts Apr 19, 2013
So scary to share this!! Left is June 2012 (I had completed LiveFit April 2012 and was down 15lbs) and the Right is March 2013. I'd love to share HOW I did this but I only get 250 characters here. Add me as a friend & message me and I'll share more
Lol!! So right :) I'm a recovered "diet junkie" working towards amazing health and a balanced life. What about you?? For more motivation and to read my story check me out at
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Posted by tarageneva
0 Reposts Apr 18, 2013
Consistency is key!! Check out my page at...
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Posted by tarageneva
1 Repost Apr 17, 2013
Let's start of this Wednesday strong with positive thoughts! You can do more than you ever imagined you could :-)
Comment Repost
Posted by tarageneva
0 Reposts Apr 10, 2013