
I can and I will
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Posted by szrow
3 Reposts Jun 17, 2015
If you don't work the plan, the plan will not work!!
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Apr 22, 2015
When will you start making the right decisions, eating right, taking care of yourself, working out? Someday is to vague, insinuating it may never happen. The time is now, this is the day we replace someday with an actual real start day.
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Jan 14, 2015
All praises to God who gives me strength to face each workout. Lost 3.6 lbs this week and since Jan 2 I've dropped 29 lbs and 21.5 inches.
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Feb 22, 2014
I give thanks to my Heavenly Father. Today I made it into the 250's. So far I've lost 26 lbs and 13 inches since January 2, 2014. I'm a witness the mind, body, spirit connection works. Every workout is a time for connection with self and God.
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Feb 11, 2014
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Feb 11, 2014
I love this.
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Posted by szrow
1 Repost Jan 16, 2014
I serve the One and True living God...
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Jan 16, 2014
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Sep 01, 2013
Even though the scale is not moving the inches are coming off. In the last 3-weeks I've lost 5.5 inches from my waist, hips, shoulders and neck and gained 2 inches in arms, quads and calves.
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Posted by szrow
2 Reposts Aug 19, 2013
I’m reassessing my journey with the new understanding that it’s not about 12-weeks, phase one or phase two. This journey is about changing my life for the better for the rest of my life.
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Aug 14, 2013
Not only has fitness become a way of life, it has also become a religion for me. As I build up this temple and make it stronger, I experience a spiritual connection and closeness with my Heavenly Father.
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Aug 12, 2013
One of my biggest goals is to look fantastic naked and feel good about how I look when the clothes come off. It's easy to hide imperfections under clothes, but you can't hide the flaws in your birthday suit.
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Jul 31, 2013
Even though the scale is not moving, I'm losing inches. Last week I got rid of my XXL shirts. Today I realized my 38 jeans were too big and had to trade the for 36's, which are a bit loose.
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Jul 31, 2013
Determination is defined as making a firm decision, being resolved not to change it. To transform we must become the embodiment of the definition. Move forward and let nothing turn you around.
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Jul 30, 2013
Getting back on track in week six. Week five was toough and I did not accomplish all I set out to do. Never made it through week six of a challenge before, I'm determined not to give up on myself again.
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Posted by szrow
3 Reposts Jul 30, 2013
Change usually is not a comfortable experience. However, temporary discomfort can produce a lifetime of benefits and blessings!
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Jul 26, 2013
I no longer need my XXL shirts, I'm down to an XL and hoping to be in a large by week eight. I donated the plus size clothing to charity because I'm never going to need them again.
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Jul 25, 2013
Always model what you believe in, you never know whose watching. Our walk, talk, attitude, and behavior are our greatest testimony to how we truly live.
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Posted by szrow
2 Reposts Jul 24, 2013
Yesterday was the start of week 5 of my transformation and I felt extremely discouraged and unmotivated. But the spirit of the Lord encouraged my heart to to keep moving and not give up. Today I came back harder than ever!
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Jul 24, 2013
A Self-Fulfilling Prophesy
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Jul 22, 2013
THREE THINGS HAPPENED TO ME THIS WEEK 1. I sweat like a pig in heat. 2. Kept sweating hours after my workout. 3. Lost 2 pounds and I'm seeing changes in my body. I believe this is called progress.
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Jul 20, 2013
The prize is not given to the swift and the strong, it's given to the one endures until the end. Keep going, don't stop until you cross your finish line!
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Posted by szrow
1 Repost Jul 20, 2013
Watch daily progress as much as focusing on the end goal. Friends tend to see the daily progress that we fail to see or acknowledge because we are too focused on the end goal. Learn to accept the complements as confirmation. Use the confirmation to
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Posted by szrow
0 Reposts Jul 17, 2013