
Almost there!
I love training delts!
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Posted by sxyfitmomwife
0 Reposts May 25, 2014
keep working hard until you can look in the mirror and smile at what you see
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Posted by sxyfitmomwife
0 Reposts Jan 27, 2014
My back progress
****! how heavy is your lip gloss?
Yes, I love that sh**
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Posted by sxyfitmomwife
2 Reposts Apr 23, 2013
For the Haters!
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Posted by sxyfitmomwife
1 Repost Apr 06, 2013
I look back like wow!
My birthday present to myself will look like this! 66 days to make it happen #BEASTMODE
I just got home with this bad boy! I can't wait to rock it for my Summer Shred "after" pic and the beach this summer with CONDFIDENCE
I love seeing the looks on those faces when I get down!
One cannot simply keep calm on leg day! LOL!!
LOL this is me and I LOVE the show Spartacus on Starz
Lift People! I love it
LOL! I love all my zumba friends, no offense but this is TOO FUNNY and so me!