
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Apr 18, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Apr 18, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Apr 18, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Apr 18, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
1 Repost Apr 18, 2013
Can't Stop Won't Stop
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Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Apr 17, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
2 Reposts Mar 11, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
2 Reposts Feb 05, 2013
So I'm 30 and Stallone is 66... I think God might have mixed our body's up.
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
1 Repost Feb 01, 2013
No excuses, Never give up
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Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Jan 31, 2013
Without Fail, this makes me lift heavy things
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Posted by swens82
1 Repost Jan 26, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
3 Reposts Jan 26, 2013
"The Myth" always made the sport look good
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Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Jan 26, 2013
Franco doing some bar bending
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Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Jan 21, 2013
Terry Crews knows he gotta it!
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Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Jan 18, 2013
Only 77 days till this... well the waffles that is, maybe just a little bit longer till I am in that kid of shape ;)
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Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Jan 17, 2013
train your legs
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Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Jan 16, 2013
Smooth cardio jams
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Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Jan 16, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
3 Reposts Jan 14, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Jan 14, 2013
this says it all
Comment Repost
Posted by swens82
0 Reposts Jan 14, 2013