
it's been almost a month since my last real workout travelng to Europee was great but it's time to get ready for 2014
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Posted by ste11a
0 Reposts Dec 09, 2013
I'm back
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Posted by ste11a
0 Reposts Nov 06, 2013
I don't sweat I sparkle ;)
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Posted by ste11a
0 Reposts Oct 29, 2013
My fitness avatar this is how I look after a great workout. #WomenWithMuscles
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Posted by ste11a
1 Repost Oct 16, 2013
OMG I still love to climb trees, its a great way form of exercise. Like if you are still a tree climber!
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Posted by ste11a
3 Reposts Sep 18, 2013
The cutest thing ever! Lego man even has a spotter and weights lying on the floor
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Posted by ste11a
0 Reposts Sep 17, 2013
don't hate me cuz I'm grumpy
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Posted by ste11a
0 Reposts Sep 10, 2013
Alex Minsky is my new fitness muse
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Posted by ste11a
0 Reposts Sep 06, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by ste11a
1 Repost Sep 06, 2013
ride the lightening
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Posted by ste11a
2 Reposts Sep 05, 2013
Two days later I love the feeling of sore legs
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Posted by ste11a
1 Repost Aug 28, 2013
Metal music on leg days is a must
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Posted by ste11a
1 Repost Aug 27, 2013
Or.... work it and wink, lick your lips then pick your nose, pull a big piece of chocolate cake from your sock and say what's up.
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Posted by ste11a
0 Reposts Aug 15, 2013
Im sexy and I know it lol
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Posted by ste11a
5 Reposts Aug 15, 2013
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Posted by ste11a
0 Reposts Aug 08, 2013
I love this one! Don't give up!
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Posted by ste11a
0 Reposts Aug 02, 2013
no bad form for a toddler,
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Posted by ste11a
0 Reposts Jun 25, 2013