
8 week leg progress
And suddenly youre Xena, The Warrior Princess ;)
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts Aug 11, 2015
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts May 23, 2015
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts May 23, 2015
I'm just meeting all sorts of people lately…:)
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts May 23, 2015
amen & amen
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Posted by shannienay
1 Repost May 16, 2015
What?? Its good for the gainz right?
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts May 14, 2015
I wonder what the male version would say. How about we throw all this **** out and start a new list. Beggars can't be choosers.
So many feels :(
It strikes again! Back and bis it is!!
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts Jan 28, 2015
This absolutley gets on my nerves.
Vicious cycle. Lets end this girls!!
Whoa, jusssayin ;)
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts Jan 25, 2015
mmhmm squats...
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Posted by shannienay
1 Repost Jan 22, 2015
That feel when you notice positive changes for the first time
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts Jan 22, 2015
Now do you get it?!!
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts Jan 16, 2015
Never forget!
Love this quote. Be who you are. The right person will eventually follow.
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts Jan 01, 2015
It is the best measurement..;)
Active listening skills can be gold. Don't assume you know diddly about squat!
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts Jan 01, 2015
2015 Watch out!
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Posted by shannienay
0 Reposts Jan 01, 2015