
Give up. Fail. You'll never lose it. Fat boy. You're never going to get there. You're meant to be fat. You'll never be good enough. Those phrases always resound in my mind. Till this day, I remember how many times I hit a wall and became disc
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Posted by saylee559
0 Reposts Dec 02, 2013
Almost there is Almost not giving up. We have to make it there and never give up!
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Posted by saylee559
0 Reposts Sep 12, 2013
Every day is training day. Progress isn't only seen but has to be acknowledged through accountability. No one knows how hard we truly work besides ourselves. Keep pushing and persisting, we can do it.
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Posted by saylee559
1 Repost Aug 21, 2013
Push pass the pain! Some days we have no energy but we have to push ourselves to go beyond. I finally managed to gain weight and stay lean. Break through your plateaus!!Getting ready for my 1st show and i'm super nervous. We have to have faith.
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Posted by saylee559
0 Reposts Aug 11, 2013
Never give up. It's all anout the journey that builds us and strengthens us. Days when our energy levels are so low and we don't want to work out, we have to pull through because the long term goals are so worth it. Have faith!! I have faith in you!!
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Posted by saylee559
1 Repost Aug 04, 2013