
Fight for your dreams and your dreams will fight for you....
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Posted by saraU88
0 Reposts Sep 03, 2015
Don't let this be you!
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Posted by saraU88
0 Reposts Feb 10, 2015
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Posted by saraU88
0 Reposts Nov 13, 2014
That is all....
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Posted by saraU88
0 Reposts Jul 27, 2014
Motivation for the day
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Posted by saraU88
3 Reposts Jul 24, 2014
Having diabetes at a young age, with a diabetic child has taught me this lesson well. No matter what is written in DNA it is possible to overcome.
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Posted by saraU88
0 Reposts May 18, 2014 stomach has been a waste basket this past week! I'm shooting myself in the foot with bad carbs and crappy foods!!
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Posted by saraU88
1 Repost May 18, 2014