
The process may not be fast, but quitting sure won't speed it up. Love being sore cause you sure won't hate how you feel.
You only truly fail if you never try. Never give up.
Be proud but never satisfied. We can always do more. And we WILL do more.
Unleash the beast and leave nothing behind. Feast on those gains
We must fail to appreciate the true value of success. Without struggle, success is misunderstood. You never know what you could have done if you never made the attempt. Don't be afraid to fail. Be brave and strong enough to succeed.
Pain & Gain. Your mind is what's limiting you, not your body. Now don't get hurt, but work your butt off even when you think you got nothing left in the tank. Trust me, you still do. You are strong, I believe it, it's your turn to.
Surround yourself with great people and let greatness thrust upon you. That's you fitfam
DEM GAINS GOT ME SHAKING BRO .... I actually know people who go to the gym once and then think they're huge haha. Results take time, muscles don't come in a day and neither does weight or fat loss. STICK with it, don't be the TWIG.
One step at a time. One goal reached then another one set. It's a cycle. Be honest with yourself. Keep pushing yourself. Every day get closer and closer. Don't expect something, earn it. Work for it. Create your own success.
Everyone's different. Seeing improvement in anyone is admirable.
It's not about what fitness level you're at, but how hard you'e willing to try to reach that next level. What are you willing to put in because that's what's going to decide what you get out. Try your hardest and you will make a difference.
Comment Repost
Posted by rosaripped
4 Reposts Jun 09, 2014
Life isn't a sports game. There are no ties, there is no in between. What are you..a winner or a loser?
You make your own success or your own failure. Which side are you gonna let win?
The healthier you are, the longer you are likely to live. Tell death who's boss and put up a fight! Be the strongest and healthiest you can be, age is irrelevant!
People can talk all they want about what they do at the gym or how much they can lift, etc. Results speak louder than any words. Let your body's success do all the talking.
By wanting to be a better you, you inspire others to do the same. People see hard work and progress and it becomes contagious. It becomes priority. I want to be that inspiration. I want to be a better me thus making you a better you. Team motivation.
Never sell yourself short. It's amazing what your body can do. Make yourself work, do that extra rep! Give yourself something to prove and believe you can do it!
Some people may have the genetics where they naturally are in good shape or strong or whatever but those who put in hard work are going to benefit a lot more in the long run. It pays off.
Motivate yourself to motivate others. We may have different ways, but the same destination. Be other's directions.
Fitness is always an ongoing process and you can't keep going without putting work in. When you put that work in, you can go further than ever thought imaginable. Keep fueling your desires.
Work hard like tomorrow is going to be the best day of your life.
Next time you're about to make an excuse of why you can't exercise or simply "can't do something", Rethink, change your attitude, and do the "impossible".
It's never too late, start now if you haven't already.