
Comment Repost
Posted by ptparrot
0 Reposts Nov 10, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by ptparrot
0 Reposts Jan 06, 2015
ned to repeat this ALL day EVERY day!
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Posted by ptparrot
0 Reposts Dec 13, 2014
one of my favorite exercises. One that everyone should do. love me a woman with wings.
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Posted by ptparrot
0 Reposts Nov 24, 2014
better, yes. have I reached my goal...? NOT even close. but I will stick it out no quitting for this guy any more...
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Posted by ptparrot
1 Repost Nov 20, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by ptparrot
1 Repost Nov 13, 2014
T-Minus 4 hours to a killer chest/tri's workout tick tock..........
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Posted by ptparrot
1 Repost Nov 12, 2014
I know this intimately, I work long hours, have two kids to chase around everyday. and I like to have a good time with my friends. believe me when I tell you that starting over SUCKS. So don't give in, trust me it will be worth it.
Comment Repost
Posted by ptparrot
0 Reposts Nov 12, 2014
depressed? weather got you down? follow prescription... take two, 10-12 times. repeat 3-4 times. rest do it again and again. blast that depression out. have a great day
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Posted by ptparrot
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2014
remember, you are only confined by the walls YOU build...
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Posted by ptparrot
0 Reposts Nov 06, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by ptparrot
0 Reposts Nov 05, 2014
keep on keepin' on...
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Posted by ptparrot
0 Reposts Nov 04, 2014
staying with it is the challenge, but the challenge is what makes it memorable..
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Posted by ptparrot
2 Reposts Nov 03, 2014
...your fears ...your insecurities ...your HATERS ...your old self ...just go out and conquer something, the feeling you have of accomplishment is reward enough.
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Posted by ptparrot
0 Reposts Feb 26, 2014
it's just that simple....
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Posted by ptparrot
2 Reposts Feb 21, 2014
no one is going to give it to you. you have to go and get it yourself.
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Posted by ptparrot
1 Repost Feb 20, 2014
If you feel trapped or confined, you built those walls, and you can break them down. Now go out and smash through your barriers and become who you want to be.
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Posted by ptparrot
4 Reposts Feb 20, 2014
everyday read
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Posted by ptparrot
2 Reposts Feb 18, 2014
why I am toughest critic
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Posted by ptparrot
0 Reposts Mar 11, 2013