
Everything connects...
Comment Repost
Posted by piscesgirl3121
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2015
When we are open, flexible and willing to go to the beyond in our hearts and in our minds. That is when the shift occurs and self actualization can begin.
So stop being so hard on yourself you will get to where you want to be. When you work, when you put forth the energy into getting stronger, healthier your body and your mind will reward you...the time is NOW!
Hands raised to Elisabeth Akinwale, Krystal Cantu, Vanessa Esoinoza, I could go on and on and ofcourse all my ladies on BS! YOU own it!
Expanding your mind body spirit and muscles!!! It's all happening!
Comment Repost
Posted by piscesgirl3121
0 Reposts Apr 19, 2015
To be a true pioneer, we must be open and willing to learn new concepts, try new things, adapt to unexpected changes, roll with obstacles and be radically in love with our life!
Yes it does! Give yourself a little love today, cut yourself some slack...roll with the flow and just be good to yourself.
It's just one day at a time...
See here's the finish one of Kris Gethins trainers, you feel great. You finish ALL of them and you start to develop this sense of self importance...kinda like Morgan Freeman should be narrating your work outs. And Life.
So go out there and find yourself love yourself and live fully in every moment.
Comment Repost
Posted by piscesgirl3121
0 Reposts Apr 05, 2015
FEEEEEL IT!!! Its all happening!
They're paid with the sacrifices we make, the blood sweat and tears...the pain, the strain and the never ending fight within.
Hey YOU...ya you! I'm talking to YOU! Get that barbell over your head, do your 100th squat, jump up to that are capable, you will do this, it's not a matter of how, it's a matter of when. When will you begin to believe that you can do it?
I'm soooo in love!!! And it's all's fault!
Alright alright alright...week 12 of Gethins muscle building trainer. My shoes are laced my azz to the grass and I got nothing but intention going on!
It's the discomfort that can bring true growth if we allow it, if we're open to it...
Comment Repost
Posted by piscesgirl3121
0 Reposts Mar 29, 2015
You guys are killin it! Keep movin,keep groovin, I'm just going to enjoy the lovely beautiful, fit family!
I think I found it on day 71 of Gethin's muscle building trainer...have you found it? Keep searching, you will.
Here's to bumpy rides and nice views fit family!
Whenever I have a problem, when I need to focus on on a solution...we're in our first week of the 21 day meditation challenge, it's not too late to sign up for free! Just go to!
Comment Repost
Posted by piscesgirl3121
0 Reposts Mar 21, 2015
The tide will always turn...enjoy the solar eclipse everyone, it's all happening!
I'm on bass guitar. That's how I roll...
It's all happening...