
So cool to be in #wemirin love it! Love making my after pic my before even more! My progress is slow and steady but it's progress!
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Mar 03, 2015
Made it on We Mirin! This was such a great day for all of us.
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Nov 29, 2014
This came to me as I was doing military presses yesterday, I was spent after rep 10 so I pushed out one more! A few people like it so I made it a meme. The number of reps doesn't matter as long as you give it all you have on every set.
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Posted by phparray
1 Repost May 15, 2014
Time for a pick me up
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts May 01, 2014
Bring Sexy Backs!
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Sep 13, 2013
Flex Friday Group Photo
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Sep 08, 2013
Workout to improve, because you are worthy of achieving your goals, not to punish yourself.
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Posted by phparray
3 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
Love this quote! Today is the day.
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
The weights are calling. Are you listening?
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Posted by phparray
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
The Legend
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Posted by phparray
2 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
This is how I feel every time I workout!
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Posted by phparray
3 Reposts Jun 20, 2013