
Comment Repost
Posted by notyourkimmy
0 Reposts Jun 07, 2015
Don't mistake my tininess for weakness
Lol, @Moonlight1973 , well now we have this image to send, just in case we meet new ******* masquerading as men
Good advice, even for us ladies(just add in prince and king)
simple and to the point, I like it
Comment Repost
Posted by notyourkimmy
0 Reposts Nov 30, 2014
Yep, I have no idea where they all go, but I have to buy more every few months
I also agree with @KindnotWeak81, great workouts belongs on that list
I think it's worth it
This made me laugh, what is it with us women and men in uniform? And cowboys...they're good too
Lol, I am so impatient
My life before lol
Great advice
A response to those Ryan Gosling memes, I love it :)
How true
Sounds about right to me
Lol, that will be me if I ever go to the gym and see a hot guy, it's not creepy, I'm just trying to help them make gains :)
I'm going to repost this, I don't care, it's too funny lol
Getting better at this
Comment Repost
Posted by notyourkimmy
1 Repost Mar 06, 2014
Never has explaining why you should eat healthy been so entertaining lol
There is?
Love this
This made me laugh so hard
Comment Repost
Posted by notyourkimmy
1 Repost Jan 20, 2014