
Awesome ankle weights and weighted backpack. Not yet available in stores. Requires a 9 month home manufacturing time period.
Comment Repost
Posted by nicklengua18
6 Reposts Sep 19, 2013
Don't you hate ruining your suits every time you gotta go save someone
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Posted by nicklengua18
0 Reposts Sep 11, 2013
Every woman should get one of these. Lmfao. Hell, I'd rock one.
By now you all know dayum well I love squats.
You know it, ladies.
Comment Repost
Posted by nicklengua18
1 Repost Aug 27, 2013
More inspiration! If this doesn't make you want to work out, WTF DOES!?
Well, this sure inspires me. Scoop your jaws up and go hit the weights!
Keep going.
Comment Repost
Posted by nicklengua18
0 Reposts Aug 22, 2013