
Enjoying my last post-challenge flexible diet week before I jump back full force on the Wodapalooza 8 Week Challenge!
Last day of the #BBcomAllAccessSeries Challange for me & all I can think of is how far I've come. I am not where I want to be just yet but so happy where I am thus far. I am mentally stronger this time around & ready to crush my next goal!
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Posted by mscsuccess89
0 Reposts Apr 12, 2019
The 2019 #BBcomChallengeSeries may be coming to an end, but it is only the beginning for me! I'm excited for my continuing fit journey to start working towards my new goal of continuing to shred that BF!
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Posted by mscsuccess89
1 Repost Apr 09, 2019
Last two weeks of the #BBcomTransformationSeries Challenge, and this could not be any more true!
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Posted by mscsuccess89
1 Repost Mar 20, 2019
I will...I mean, I already do!! #relationshipgoals lol
This #250KChallenge is definitely teaching me this! I am learning to fall in love with myself to really be able to take care of myself!