
Comment Repost
Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts May 12, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts May 12, 2014
Yeah, I felt like this the past two days.
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Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts May 06, 2014
This is how I feel after I run, LOL....But I'm told it will get easier. Sooo waiting for that day.
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Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts Apr 27, 2014
Nicole Wilkins
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Posted by mrswiggles2012
2 Reposts Apr 16, 2014
Her name is EgyptianYale Hood
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Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts Apr 12, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts Feb 05, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts Feb 03, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts Jan 31, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts Jan 31, 2014
Yup, that sums up about every day.
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Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts Jan 30, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by mrswiggles2012
1 Repost Jan 22, 2014
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Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts Jan 21, 2014
Best place to start
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Posted by mrswiggles2012
1 Repost Jan 21, 2014
So very true, but when you meet ones that are on the same kind of journey and help build you up and are there for support, those are the friends you want for life! :)
Something I always tell myself!!!
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Posted by mrswiggles2012
0 Reposts Jan 13, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by mrswiggles2012
1 Repost Jan 07, 2014