
Be Strong! Say goodbye to the weakness....
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Posted by mmartz
0 Reposts Nov 06, 2014
Challenge yourself everyday!
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Posted by mmartz
1 Repost Oct 20, 2014
My favorite passage!
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Posted by mmartz
0 Reposts Oct 08, 2014
For the judgmental folks on this web site! Don't like someone or something leave them alone....
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Posted by mmartz
0 Reposts Sep 16, 2014
Keep moving even if life is hard sometimes!
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Posted by mmartz
1 Repost Oct 11, 2013
Keep pushing, but know your body!
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Posted by mmartz
0 Reposts Aug 14, 2013
Go Hard....
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Posted by mmartz
2 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
Be a winner!
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Posted by mmartz
1 Repost Jun 06, 2013
Stay Consistent and Disciplined
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Posted by mmartz
5 Reposts May 07, 2013
Be Dedicated!
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Posted by mmartz
0 Reposts Apr 24, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by mmartz
2 Reposts Apr 07, 2013
Ray Nitschke - A legend of toughness. Life can get tough, you have to be tougher!
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Posted by mmartz
0 Reposts Apr 05, 2013
Choose right!
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Posted by mmartz
4 Reposts Mar 25, 2013