
So true
cherish LIFE and the ones that love you more than the followers you get or the texts you receive.
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Posted by meggiep0118
0 Reposts Aug 20, 2015
woman crush wednesday, I refuse to EVER be a do nothing bitc*
I have been seeing a good amount of my fit fam who tried to shy away from how they are feeling instead of ADDRESSING what is truly wrong. Could not say it any better than the wonderful Mr. Depp
My wcw goes out to all those kick a** ladies out there that lift each other up. By holding a high standard for ppl to admire and are just as strange as I am! You beastettes and beasts rock my socks!
I came home and got on the mat for a bit of R&R. The yoga instructor kept on speaking about breathing and SMILING. Know what? I listened to her, and my mood became infinitely better. Reason for my rambling? SMILE it really can change your mo
Everyone has flaws, everyone makes mistakes and everyone will have something "wrong". But a beYOUtiful person will appreciate and embrace those flaws and not belittle because it makes them feel better about their own flaws
<3 :)
Heaven knows you can only start to eat correctly and workout on Mondays, it's common knowledge. If you start on a Tuesday or wed (God forbid) everything gets messed up.
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Posted by meggiep0118
0 Reposts Jun 12, 2015
<3 we wouldn't have dreams if they weren't meant to followed. Create your future and your vision otherwise you will just be going through the motions of your life instead of living it.
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Posted by meggiep0118
0 Reposts Jun 08, 2015
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Posted by meggiep0118
0 Reposts Jun 03, 2015
I'll always encourage, but I won't sacrifice my happiness. Words to remember and live by :)
:) <3
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Posted by meggiep0118
0 Reposts May 22, 2015