
Dropped my Xperia Z3 the other day at work. Been saying I should get a case for it for the last four months... Should really listen to people when they tell me stuff.
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Posted by m4Ch
0 Reposts Oct 05, 2015
This is me whenever I can't get to the gym or am on a rest day or at a buffet or faced with 'free food' at work like birthday cake, doughnuts, cookies, brownies and flapjacks, oh my god the brownies and flapjacks...
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Posted by m4Ch
0 Reposts Jul 21, 2015
Don't be like Nemesis. Squat always. Lunge often.
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Posted by m4Ch
0 Reposts May 16, 2015
Going away for a fortnight to NYC and I'm the last to leave the flat which means I get to... EAT EVERYTHING IN THE FRIDGE! Otherwise we'll return to a fine specimen of penicillin trying to grow legs and kick its way out of the kitchen.
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Posted by m4Ch
0 Reposts Mar 31, 2015
Hehehe I have long hair and love nature and stuff. **** you Cartman you fat *******.
Comment Repost
Posted by m4Ch
0 Reposts Nov 17, 2014
Tight QL, chronic foot problems and a back injury earlier in the year made me re-evaluate my options. After a summer of rest I now take a crossfit class which has taught me great lifting technique and am running mid/forefoot. Win all around!
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Posted by m4Ch
0 Reposts Nov 03, 2014
Wanna go out drinking all night?
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Posted by m4Ch
1 Repost Feb 28, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by m4Ch
0 Reposts Jan 15, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by m4Ch
0 Reposts Jan 10, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by m4Ch
4 Reposts Jan 06, 2014