
I don't know about you but I sang this hehe
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Posted by m24toots
0 Reposts Feb 14, 2014
Happy Valentine's Day my sexy fit friends! <3
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Posted by m24toots
0 Reposts Feb 14, 2014
Challenge! Because everyone is doing something for the month of January - my coworkers and I decided we should take on this Napping Challenge. The only problem is that I go straight for the hour haha
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Posted by m24toots
0 Reposts Jan 07, 2014
I couldn't resist!! Hahaha
Yeah! Motivation level is high :)
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Posted by m24toots
2 Reposts Jan 04, 2014
Best friends forever! Hahaha So much room for activities!
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Posted by m24toots
1 Repost Jul 25, 2013
Remember this for the two weeks left in the Strong To The Cor Challenge and for the rest of the days you step foot into the gym or the kitchen. You got this!
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Posted by m24toots
1 Repost Jul 16, 2013
Tell me you didn't sing that once you read the last lines!
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Posted by m24toots
5 Reposts Jul 14, 2013
hehe yeah that's a great reason!
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Posted by m24toots
0 Reposts Jul 09, 2013
I mean really ... who am I kidding with this healthy **** haha
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Posted by m24toots
1 Repost Jul 04, 2013
The biggest challenge you have is your believing in yourself, erasing all doubt and knowing that you can. Because... YOU CAN achieve what you believe!
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Posted by m24toots
0 Reposts Jul 04, 2013
Week 2: Accountable for your actions. This fits perfectly - All you have to do is do your best!
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Posted by m24toots
3 Reposts Jun 23, 2013
This doesn't even need a caption! I think its not just the workouts and sweat, its also how we think, process situations and what we say to ourselves!
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Posted by m24toots
2 Reposts Jun 23, 2013
How hard did you hit that iron and came back for more the next day? Yeah, you're pretty awesome!
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Posted by m24toots
3 Reposts Jun 23, 2013
Week 1 of the Strong To The Cor has been a roller coaster. However it is exciting, insane training, and really excited to see my strengths. When the going gets hard, push forward!
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Posted by m24toots
0 Reposts Jun 21, 2013