
Wise wordsss
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Posted by lginsberg
2 Reposts Jan 19, 2014
this post is dedicated to Kenny. Every time i even think about giving up on a workout or not doing an exercise i think of you and push through, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING
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Posted by lginsberg
2 Reposts Oct 08, 2013
real talk
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Sep 26, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by lginsberg
1 Repost Sep 24, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Sep 06, 2013
patience, patience, patience and dedication
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Sep 05, 2013
positive self talk goes a long way
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Sep 02, 2013
Good thing she is my absolute favorite
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Posted by lginsberg
1 Repost Aug 28, 2013
1. yes very accurate 2. hi its the rock and i love him
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 22, 2013
Hey look its Kenny!! Found you floating around the internet beast
There is a special satisfaction that comes with proving the doubters wrong.
Reason #1 why the gym is one of my favorite places in the entire world
Dear me,
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 16, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 16, 2013
Yeah basically
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Posted by lginsberg
2 Reposts Aug 15, 2013
This is absolutely wall worthy material
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Posted by lginsberg
3 Reposts Aug 13, 2013
yup, yup, yup. Hitting in when you feel bad, will only make you feel BETTER.
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Posted by lginsberg
1 Repost Aug 11, 2013
love this love this love this. no excuses
Its a choice, everyday
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 08, 2013
Favorite ever, i love this
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Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 03, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Aug 01, 2013
you can't not laugh at this
Comment Repost
Posted by lginsberg
4 Reposts Aug 01, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by lginsberg
0 Reposts Jul 25, 2013