
I may not be ripped YET, got all the right muscles showing or still repping some curves BUT my I do my darnd best everyday and I am FIT and HEALTHY and moving forward. It's a lifestyle with no finish line
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Posted by kristijean
0 Reposts Nov 20, 2013
In a world full of negative unhappy people, BE THE DIFFERENCE!
Oh ya baby, this is what I am talking about, EVERY SINGLE DAY! #nailedit #crushit
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Posted by kristijean
6 Reposts Oct 05, 2013
There is no quick fix, its daily commitment and determination!
Why I Love Life Fit.....
My beliefs in life fall right along these lines!
This is how I a ROLL =)
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Posted by kristijean
0 Reposts Sep 14, 2013
True story! It's not genetics for this mama, Im putting in work!
How many agree?
Dont just do it....PUSH THROUGH IT!
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Posted by kristijean
0 Reposts Aug 20, 2013
Where the magic happens! Get sweaty ITS SEXY!
I love me some weights!
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Posted by kristijean
1 Repost Aug 01, 2013
I was once a cardio junkie.... then guess what I learned about weight training and BAM bringing my sexy back! Join me
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Posted by kristijean
2 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
I workout because I love my body, not because I hate it!
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Posted by kristijean
1 Repost Jun 19, 2013
Oh yes I am....are you?
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Posted by kristijean
3 Reposts Jun 12, 2013
I love this for MONDAY Motivation.... the weekend is tough for alot of folks and they restart on Monday but the fact is if your tired of restarting STOP GIVING UP!
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Posted by kristijean
1 Repost Jun 10, 2013
That pretty much says it all!
My motto!
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Posted by kristijean
5 Reposts Jun 05, 2013
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Posted by kristijean
1 Repost May 30, 2013