
6/5: We all need some Self Control
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Posted by kelz19
1 Repost Jun 05, 2014
5/30: FLEX Friday!!! TGIF
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Posted by kelz19
1 Repost May 30, 2014
5/29: Go ahead, tell me that I'm not good enough. Tell me I can't do it because I will show you OVER & OVER again that I CAN - Tony Horton
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Posted by kelz19
2 Reposts May 29, 2014
5/28: Sometime the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the BIGGEST step of your life. TIP TOE IF YOU MUST. But take the step
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Posted by kelz19
2 Reposts May 28, 2014
5/27: Positive thoughts are not enough. There have to be POSITIVE Feelings, and POSITIVE Actions
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Posted by kelz19
0 Reposts May 27, 2014
5/22 The problem is not the problem: the problem is your attitude about the problem.
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Posted by kelz19
1 Repost May 22, 2014
5/21 What if I told you: Fit people at the gym will actually respect you for showing up and trying to change your life
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Posted by kelz19
1 Repost May 21, 2014
5/19 Do things for you, not for the approval or satisfaction of others. You'll attract the people who will matter.
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Posted by kelz19
3 Reposts May 19, 2014
5/16 **** Right I like the life I live, cause I went from negative to POSITIVE
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Posted by kelz19
2 Reposts May 16, 2014
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Posted by kelz19
0 Reposts May 15, 2014
5/14: If you don't like something change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
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Posted by kelz19
1 Repost May 14, 2014
actions prove who someone is. words prove who they wanna be
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Posted by kelz19
1 Repost May 13, 2014
5/12 Monday Motivation Let no one discourage your ambitious attitude. You don't need a fan club to achieve your goals. Be your own motivation.
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Posted by kelz19
3 Reposts May 12, 2014
ALPHA Predator
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Posted by kelz19
1 Repost May 09, 2014