
Remember why you started. Remember that desire to make the changes to a better you. Look back and see how far you've come. Let that fire burn inside you like no other. I BELIEVE in YOU!!
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Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Dec 07, 2015
Don't stop until you do. And even when you make it...don't stop. Keep going for that next level. That is what truly defines "You."
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
1 Repost Dec 06, 2015
Some days can be grueling. Some days will make you question why you’re doing this in the first place. Some days will make you consider giving up and option. But keep going. Believe, Achieve, and all this Work put in will make sense to You.
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Sep 02, 2014
Some days come easy. Other days you feel like you gotta move the world just to get by. Small bumps...Big obstacles. It makes no difference to us. In the end, we always come out on top. It's in our blood! It's WHO WE ARE! Now where's that hammer?
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
2 Reposts Aug 20, 2014
We go out there. We give it everything we got...and when enough is enough, we give a little more. Why? We don't believe in being average. We don't believe in just doing a "good" job. We don't believe in SETTLING for "10!" Let's crank it up, shall we?
You've come a long way. Obstacles...placed in front of you to break you down. Mentally, physically, spiritually. And yet, here you are. Confident. Wise. Focused. Strong. HUNGRY. Let no obstacle impede you from attaining what you deserve! It's time...
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jul 28, 2014
"Go Big or Go Home." But you don't believe in going home. You know why you're here. With Body and Mind in sync you don't stop until you've had enough. You stop when the weights have had enough. Kings. Queens. Its Gametime ;)
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jul 22, 2014
And you do it in such an amazing way!! Stay true to yourself and your goals. Witness as your desire to be your best empowers others to do the same. I definitely feel your effect. Keep it up and never lose sight of who you are...A True Champion.
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jul 18, 2014
I admire your drive. You put in work. You accomplish your goals. You go on to the next one. You repeat. You know no limit. I love that about you. Your drive is what drives me. Whatever you do, don't stop. Always be you. Always be great.
When your heart wants it...wants it bad...the mind and body know no limits. Another week started. Another week to step up and rule your iron domain. Ladies and Gentlemen. Kings and Queens. Let's do this.
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
3 Reposts Jul 15, 2014
Never settle for anything less than the absolute best. Determination. Ambition. Drive. It's in your blood. You were born with the tools to realize your full potential. Stronger. Wiser. Better. Always strive for greatness and watch it become reality.
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jul 11, 2014
If you say you can do it, you're absolutely right. If you say you can't do it, you're still right. The mind is an incredible tool for change. Believe in yourself for the right reasons and you can conquer your world! Time to turn dreams in reality!
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jul 07, 2014
This is a special invitation to you. Let's get drunk off the insatiable desire to be the best we can be. Let's toast to the countless goals we will smash together. As Friends...As Family...Cheers.
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jul 03, 2014
That iron jungle can sometimes be unruly. The weights will try to dominate you as best they can. They will give it all they got yet you always come back. Stronger, Smarter, Better. Simply put, you CANNOT be destroyed. Time to wake up the beast ;)
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Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jul 02, 2014
We are all destined to fulfill our purpose in life and do amazing things. No explanations need be given. I know you can. I believe you will. Go get it. End of story.
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
2 Reposts Jul 01, 2014
Never let anyone tell you "You can't do it." We are all Kings and Queens of our Mind. Our Body. Our Soul. We have goals. Us Kings and Queens see to it that we go out and get s*** done!! Go get yours!!
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
2 Reposts Jun 27, 2014
You have a hot date with the weights today. Make sure you show them a good time ;)
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2014
Nothing in life ever comes that easy. However, you will greatly appreciate the fruits you labored your a** off for. I'm not letting anything get in my way. I know you won't either. Now if you'll repeat after me...
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
2 Reposts Jun 25, 2014
Another Monday upon us. Blessed to be alive. Blessed to be healthy. Blessed to see your iron comrades once again. I don't think they're ready for the destruction about to happen. Let's turn things up a notch shall we? Make today and everyday count!
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
2 Reposts Jun 23, 2014
Push yourself to the absolute limit. Bring out the best you have to offer. When you can't go any further what do you do? Be **** sure you're going to do everything in your power to keep pushing forward. Always stay hungry.
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2014
This isn't a cakewalk. On some days you feel on top of the world. On other days you feel like the weight of that same world in on your shoulders. Your mind is stronger than you ever thought possible. All you have to do is believe. Don't Quit. DO IT!
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2014
Inside each and every one of you is the heart of a champion. Search. Find. Embrace it.
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jun 18, 2014
If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough. Those very same dreams will test you in more ways than you can imagine. It all boils down to one simple question. How bad do you want it? Make your dreams a reality!
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
2 Reposts Jun 17, 2014
Always keep your goal in mind. Even the wildest dreams ever thought possible can be achieved as long as you believe. Never forget why you started.
Comment Repost
Posted by kcharp7
0 Reposts Jun 16, 2014