
Embrace the Journey! No straight line anywhere on my trip! I have been all over the place! :)
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Posted by karlasd
0 Reposts Mar 14, 2014
"Motivating the people you love isn't always easy, but it’s always worth it. You may be the catalyst that someone needs to find his or her own spark. The most powerful thing you can do to light someone’s spark..."
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Posted by karlasd
0 Reposts Feb 22, 2014
The Spark! "...I got much more pleasure when I started sharing my love of fitness with others. It was one thing to win trophies.It was another to tell people that one day there would be more gyms than supermarkets in America, and watch it happen."
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Posted by karlasd
0 Reposts Feb 22, 2014
Making lasting changes...One at a time!
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Posted by karlasd
1 Repost Feb 04, 2014
...We all progress differently and each of us has our own journey. We have to work to be just that ~ Our own best self! The journey is ours alone and we cannot compare it to anyone else's. Keep it going!
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Posted by karlasd
0 Reposts Jan 29, 2014
~ Our mind and thoughts are going to be the hardest obstacles to over come! We WILL do this!
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Posted by karlasd
5 Reposts Jan 26, 2014
Living on Prayers~Faith~Coffee~and now Protein and Exercise...and a Dream! I found this and LOVE it! My Dad, gone 16 years now, always made Cowboy Coffee on our gas stove, not even a coffee pot just a metal bowl. He was so amazing!
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Posted by karlasd
0 Reposts Jan 25, 2014
One of my favorite quotes. Not that we should not learn from our past or mistakes, but to keep moving ahead, the past is the past. “Lift your head. Look up and look forward … ’cause that’s where all of the good stuff is happening!” (unknown)
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Posted by karlasd
1 Repost Jan 23, 2014
We all have it in us! ~ Go out and be REMARKABLE...Today and Everyday!
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Posted by karlasd
3 Reposts Jan 15, 2014
Sometimes the best way to move forward is to just start. We are not experts in the beginning we learn by doing. Take the first step. ~ Perfect timing to find this quote!
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Posted by karlasd
1 Repost Jan 06, 2014