
Comment Repost
Posted by johnson4prez
1 Repost Nov 08, 2013
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Posted by johnson4prez
1 Repost Oct 25, 2013
Mind over matter
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Posted by johnson4prez
0 Reposts Oct 17, 2013
You should be saying this every day.
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Posted by johnson4prez
0 Reposts Oct 14, 2013
We're all in this together.
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Posted by johnson4prez
0 Reposts Oct 13, 2013
Keep this in mind as you do your work outs and evaluate how you are truly doing. Ask yourself, "did I really go down all the way on that rep?" "Did I really stick to my portion controls?"
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Posted by johnson4prez
0 Reposts Oct 12, 2013
Mark Twain and his infinite wisdom!
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Posted by johnson4prez
1 Repost Oct 12, 2013
Some Fitspiration I thought Id like to share Im getting ready for a competition in 3 days and is motivating